Friday, May 18, 2012

Mother's day and Siaosi's Blessing

This time last year, on Mother's day, we found out that we were pregnant with Siaosi.  When Siaosi was born he cried ALL of the time. As a result of his constant crying, we decided to wait a little while before Alofa gave him a name and a blessing in church.  By the time he was 3 months he stopped crying all of the time and was actually a very happy baby!! His 4 month birthday fell on Mother's day this year and we decided that would be the PERFECT day to bless him, so that is exactly what we did!! It was wonderful and Siaosi was an ANGEL the whole time!! I was so grateful for that!! :)
Siaosi on his big blessing day
4 months old

Daddy and Siaosi before church

Toa and Siaosi
Such handsome little men!!

Daddy with his boys
This picture melts my heart!! I have no idea how I got so lucky,
I am eternally grateful

Sweet Siaosi at 4 months old

Daddy and Toa

The blessing FEAST!!

Momma and her little man

Celena, Athena, Eli, Miles, Toa and Siaosi
Eli and Siaosi weren't too happy about having to take pictures

Toa, Alofa, Lemalie, Dale
Siaosi, Shantal, Miles, Eli, Michelle, Celena, Ise & Athena

Happy Mother's Day

Our sweet little family
We had a wonderful time with alot of our family coming to support us as we celebrated Siaosi on Mother's day! Was a wonderful gift!! The best gift this momma could ever ask for!! A sweet husband who is worthy to hold the priesthood in order to bless my babies as well as two handsome boys who I love more than life itself. I never knew that being a mother would bring me THIS MUCH JOY!! My heart often times overflows with the amount of joy my husband and babies bring me! I am very grateful and really enjoy being a momma!!
Toa is growing up SOOO fast!! His vocabulary increases every day and I often times find myself amazed at what he knows and how quickly he learns.  He is such a sweet big brother and will go to Siaosi and love on him all of the time. He still tries to help us when it comes time to burp Siaosi and I often times see Toa slipping Siaosi a little sip off of his sippy cup :)  Toa is a little tease!! If I tell him "no, no" he will look at me and pretend like he is going to do it anyway, just to see what I am going to do about it and then he starts laughing to himself. He seriously cracks me up every day!! He has also been fascinated with helping me clean so sometimes he will take some of Oggie's food out of his doggie bowl, put it on the floor, grab the broom and dust pan and try to "help" me clean up the mess he just made! He is soo silly and such a good boy!!
Siaosi has just discovered his hands and I often times see him just staring at them while he wiggles his fingers. He LOVES to play with the toys that are hanging above him when he is in his car seat and is getting SOO big!! At his 4 month check up he was 15.6lbs and 25inches long. He still has a temper but he doesn't cry nearly as much as he did when he was younger, for that I and our WHOLE family are thankful!! He has such a BIG, sweet, toothless smile that can just melt my heart in seconds.  He LOVES his momma!! He gets a little nervous around people that he doesn't know very well and if he can't see me while they are holding him, he starts to panic a little. He gets SUPER excited all of the time and his legs and arms start flying around in the air. He likes to grab my face with both of his hands and try to "bite" my cheek while he his squealing (this is my VERY favorite, even though he gets his slobber ALL over me when he does this). He drools ALL of the time!! I have to keep a bib on him at ALL times in order to keep his clothes dry. The Dr. said that it is ok to try to take Siaosi off of the alimentum formula and try a gentle or sensitive kind. We are planning on making the switch this weekend, I sure hope it goes well! Siaosi is a great sleeper, just like his brother and Alofa and I have been thinking about putting him in his crib in Toa's room. This was a hard thing for me to do with Toa, I just love having my babies sleep in their little bassinet beside me. I think it  is going to be hard for me with Siaosi as well. I know it is probably time though since when Siaosi is laying in his bassinet his head and feet touch the top and bottom.
Overall, our family is happy, healthy, growing and learning more and more every day!! I am so thankful that Heavenly Father has entrusted me with two of his choice spirits. While it is true that I am supposed to be teaching them, I honestly believe I learn WAY more from them than they will ever learn from me! I love being a mother! I pray and hope everyday I am raising my sweet babies in such a way that is pleasing to my Father in Heaven. I will work, pray and strive to be the best mother I can everyday for the rest of my life! I am thankful I have such a kind, sweet, gentle and good hearted man to be the father of my babies and to help me be a better person every day!