Saturday, February 19, 2011

I NEED to catch up!!!

So much has happened in the past 2 months (all of it good) and I have NOT been able to keep up on my blog let alone work full time, keep a clean home AND be the mommy that Toa deserves & good wife that Alofa deserves. While it is true that it's WAY late to make New Year's Resolutions, I can still make some goals to help me feel like I am keeping up on everything that I need and WANT to do. Some of these goals are:
#1 keep a cleaner home for Alofa, Toa and myself to live life to the fullest in. I plan to go around the house and at least "pick up" every night after Toa goes to bed. That way the house won't get sooo overwhelming that I just look everything I have to do with a feeling of defeat. Alofa helps out soo much! He does the dishes EVERYDAY!! Bless his heart, I love him sooo much!! On the weekends, I will deep clean 2 rooms. I am going to set up a schedule so that I can make sure everything that needs to be done will get done. I will do at least 1 load of laundry daily. That way it won't pile up so bad. I feel comfortable with these goals. I feel as if I can accomplish them and still get to spend a good amount of time with my sweethearts!

#2 I plan on posting on my blog at LEAST once a month! I know that I have sooo much to share, just not enough time to post it all. I have thought about it, and if I were to post more frequently it wouldn't take me a million years to share the important (and maybe some not so interesting at times) happenings of our lives. If I really think about it, I LOVE looking back on the older posts of our blog and remembering the wonderful times of our lives! I WANT to post more and I can do it.

#3 I will not complain about having to work. I think this will help me to have a better attitude when I get home which will in turn make the time I do get to spend with my little family sweeter! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job and am so thankful that I have such a good, flexible, good paying and FUN job!! BUT there are times where I wish I could be a stay at home mommy! (Just look at this face!! Who WOULDN'T want to stay home with him?!?) :)

Needless to say, Alofa, Toa and I have been very busy, VERY HAPPY and very blessed!! Look forward to more posts on New Years, Christmas, 2010 baby contest and Valentine's day soon!! I am going to cuddle my boys now!



Melissa said...

Can't wait for the monthly updates!!! :)

Heather B said...

Yay, good goals! I am ready to recommit myself to my (very similar as yours) New Years resolutions because they are already slipping away from me. And I need to keep up on the house and laundry too, because otherwise it's just too hard to do it all at once.

Love that picture of your sweet Toa. I don't blame you, I would never want to leave that cute little guy!

And definitely keep posting, even if it's short, like his stats, his growth, the things he's doing each month. I PROMISE you will forget those things later and wish you had written them down. I am just about to publish the last 6 years of my blog into two books, and I love looking back and reading about what my babies were doing and when they reached their milestones and stuff. I had forgotten so many little things. POST POST POST, you won't regret it unless you DON'T do it!