Thursday, April 28, 2011

6 Months

What a fun month it has been!! I honestly CANNOT believe that my little man is 6 months old ALREADY!! I guess time really does fly when you are having FUN!! Toa is a little MONKEY!! He loves to jump so much! Alofa and I decided to get him a jumperoo because the saucer that we had just didn't seem to cut if for him. I have never seen him so happy or excited about anything except for food before :) I love this picture! I captures the PURE JOY in his face. He is such a happy little boy! He also got a high chair to go along with his jumperoo. I will post more pictures of both in another post soon! He loves them soo much!!

My GREAT friend, Stephanie, came into town to visit from Arizona. It was the first time Toa got to meet her and he LOVED her!! We were so thankful that she was able to make it back up to Pocatello to spend some time with us 'small town folk' :) Cherisa, Amy, Stephanie, Toa, Alofa and I were able to go out to dinner. Toa was quite the ladies' man!! We had a great time and dinner was DE-LISH!!

I love how as Toa grows I get to see more and more of his sweet personality. He seriously CRACKS ME up! One thing about my little boy is that he LOVES his blankies!! He Always has to have a blankie to cuddle up with and if I try to put him down for a nap without one I am in BIG trouble with him!! I guess he thinks I should KNOW by now that his blankie is a NECESSITY!! The other day I was going to the store with Toa and his blanket blew RIGHT off of him in the wind. I was FRANTIC!! I chased down his blanket in the rain and wind because I KNEW what those blankies mean to my little man! The people at Wal-Mart must have thought I was CRAZY!! Oh, the things we do for our little ones! ;)

I love this picture of my sweet little man! He looks so innocent and sweet! I hope he ALWAYS stays that way!

In the middle of April a few of my good friends, Shannon and Maila were able to go out on a "girls' day out" We had so much fun while the boys stayed home and took care of the babies for us. When we came home the boys were SHOCKED because they thought that we would be gone ALL DAY. Guess we missed them and our babies too much! :)

Here is a picture of Shannon & Eugene's baby, Jaden with Toa! They are gonna be the BEST of friends, I am sure of it!

I love my Alofa and Toa so much! They bring so much JOY into my life!

Sweet baby Toa!

Alofa and I decided that at 6 months old we were going to move Toa to his own room. I struggled with it so much! I think it was because I work full time and in my mind having my baby sleep next to me in his bassinet at night time helped me to feel closer to him not only physically but emotionally as well. I knew it was time to let my boy grow up a little and have his own room. I am not sure who cried more that night, me or my sweet baby boy :)
Alofa is such a great daddy and did a great job of putting Toa's crib together.
(I think Alofa is a little of me taking pictures ALL of the time :))

The mat hanging on the wall is from Samoa. A friend of mine was so excited that I married a man from Samoa that she brought over A TON of things that she had brought home from Samoa in the past. I like it hanging on the wall there but I know that as soon as Toa gets a little bigger I am going to have to move it or he will have EVERY single piece of yarn pulled out in NO TIME! :)

Toa wasn't sure what to think when I laid him down in his new crib.

But then he decided that he LOVED his new bed!!
Toa fell asleep pretty quick but he woke up about every 2 hours crying because he didn't really know where he was out. That waking up and crying every 2 hours only lasted for about 2 nights. He now sleeps really well through the night, just like he has ever since he was 6 weeks old! We have been sooo lucky to have such a good sleeper! I am so thankful!

6 of the most WONDERFUL months of my life!! And it just keeps getting better and better everyday! I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a mother! There really is no greater calling!!


Shannon Mariner said...

HAPPY SIX MONTHS SWEET TOA!! I LOVE the pictures of him on alofas chest. He is the cutest thing! Yes, he and Jaden are gonna be bff's! :)

Shannon Mariner said...

OH and jaden has the same sheets on his bed. Ha ha. :)