I also went on another road trip to Boise with two of my roommates, Melissa and Stephanie as well as our friend Braden and Megan. We went to warped tour and then the next day went to Roaring Springs... SO MUCH fun!!! Here are some pictures from that...
Now I get to put some of the cutest pictures up of my nephew, since he was the one I spent most of my time with this past week! I love him so much!!! He is such a happy little tiger and can make me smile no matter what! Here are some pictures of Camerin...
Things are gonna get a little crazy around here for the next little while! Last night I printed off the graduate student handbook for the counseling program and I'm not gonna lie... I started to cry! I'm really not sure what I have gotten myself into but there is no backing out now... Just pressing forward. I will keep you posted as much as possible!!!