While it is true that I have been super busy with all that is going on and the sealing getting closer, I have had some time to reflect on my life and the journey that has brought me to where I am today. My heart is full, my eyes are wet and I am so humbled at the plan my Father in Heaven has had and continues to have for me as well as His patience and His mercy. In less than six days I will be sealed to my eternal companion, a man that I adore, admire and respect so much. A man that makes me want to be a better person in all that I do and a man that I love with all of my heart. A man that I will be with FOREVER because of the merciful plan of our Father in Heaven. I am so thankful for the knowledge that I have of the gospel and all of those who have taught me about the better way through word and deed. I have never in my life experienced so much joy and happiness as I am now experiencing at this time in my life. I lay awake at night just thinking about the adventure that is before us and my heart overflows with JOY! While it is true that at times I have felt weak and did not completely understand the plan that He had for me, He has been patient with me and very merciful. I am so THANKFUL for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and all that is made possible through it. I had a opportunity to go and do washing and anointings at the temple a few weeks ago. I was amazed at the blessings that our Father in Heaven has prepared for us as we love and serve him. I had heard the blessings before but this time, with a different frame of mind, the blessings really stood out to me and I felt so grateful to my Savior and Father in Heaven. Together FOREVER has never meant more to me than it does now...