My sweet Alofa comes home from work Saturday night SUPER excited. The first thing that he says to me is that he is going to Samoa!! Somewhat surprised, I ask him just how he plans to do that, knowing how expensive the airfare to Samoa is. He pulls out of his pocket a lottery ticket that a co-worker had given him.
If you look really close it says that he won $10,000 Alofa was soooo happy because winning that much money meant that he would be able to go home after 6 LONG years. I took the lottery ticket from him, and at first I thought it was real and he had actually won! Then I turned the card over and read the back... I started laughing sooooo hard. It was a joke lottery card. At first Alofa didn't believe me and had to call the number on the back, 1-800-RU-STUPID, to find out for himself. His HUGE heart broke right then and there. He thought he was going to Samoa. I felt bad for him too, knowing how much he wants to go back home to visit. I bet his co-workers are still laughing about the trick they played on Alofa, and I must admit, it was a dang good one. They better watch out though, because I am sure Alofa will get them back, and he'll get 'em back good :)
Well, it's Father's Day, and I and as I am writing about my sweet Alofa, I would like to say how happy and lucky I am to have him as the father of my children and eternal companion. Elder Ballard states, "Fathers, you are the primary model of manhood for your sons. You are their most meaningful mentor, and believe it or not, you are their hero in countless ways. Your words and your example are a great influence on them." As I think of Alofa and the father he is becoming, I have no doubt that he is such a wonderful and great mentor and model of manhood. I have confidence in him as the father of my children and I know he will help me to teach our children about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how to stand upright before our Father in Heaven. As we prepare for our little man to enter this world, I thank my Father in Heaven for the amazing priesthood holder that I am blessed to call my eternal companion. I love him, I am thankful for him and I want to be a better person, wife and future mother as I am around him and feel of his goodness!
I am not sure what I did to have Alofa as my eternal sweetheart, but I would do it all over again a millions times over again. He is kind, diligent, hardworking, understanding, FUNNY and has the most giving and Christ like heart of anyone that I know. He is gonna be the VERY best daddy and I am one lucky mama, but our son, oh man, he is one VERY LUCKY little boy to be able to call Alofa his daddy!! Baby boy Laulu and I are the ones who hit the JACKPOT!! :)
I love you with all of my heart Alofaaga!