October has been such a fun and exciting month!! This was the month that our lives were changed forever for the better! Who would have known that caring for an brand new sweet spirit would be so fulfilling and so rewarding! I have loved every single minute of it and often times find myself staring at my little man when he is eating or sleeping wondering what I did to be so lucky to be the mother to this sweet baby! I love watching him grow and learn new things! At the same time I wish he could stay at the stage he is in forever!
He loves to cuddle and I LOVE cuddling him! I have hit the cuddling JACKPOT!! I never knew how much I was capable of loving till I held my sweet Toa for the first time! Not only has my love for my sweet boy been amazing to me and unmeasurable, my love for my sweet husband has multiplied 100 fold as well. I am so grateful for him and for the sweet baby that he gave me. I am grateful for his love and support as well as his willingness to do all that he can to help raise this sweet baby to be a righteous and faithful son of God. I love watching Alofa rock Toa and sing to him in his native Samoan language! Alofa is an outstanding and AMAZING daddy and husband!!
Toa's first bath. He LOVES his baths!! He splashes and kicks his legs! Bath time is such a fun time for us and I look forward to it!!
We went up to Idaho Falls to go to our friend, Stephanie's, bridal shower. It was Toa's first road trip AND his first play date! Our friend Melissa's daughter, Amy, and Toa met for the first time on this trip! I think they like each other and will grow up to be great friends.
This first month has been such an exciting month where I have learned and grown sooo much!! We look forward to many more AMAZING months as we watch our little man grow and learn as well!!