12 lbs 8 oz
24 inches long
For his head circumference he is in the 60th percentile, for length he is in the 80th percentile and in the 55th percentile for weight. He is growing so fast and is starting to do things that AMAZE his mother! He rolled over for the first time at two months old, he started sleeping 7-8 hours a night at 6 weeks old, he LOVES to take baths, he LOVES tummy time and can hold his head up very good! He has found his hands and sucks on his fingers, he STARES into my eyes and melts my heart every time I feed him. He holds on to my fingers, smiles, coos and brings so much joy into my life! We play a game where I give him a big kiss on his chubby cheeks and say, "a kiss for the baby" and then he gives me an open mouthed kiss on the cheek and I say, "and a kiss for the mama" It's my favorite game right now and we play it ALL of the time just going back and forth giving each other kisses. Alofa thought I was crazy at first but I had Toa give him a kiss on the cheek and now he is hooked on the game too! Toa gives the best kisses!! He loves to lay on his back and kick at the air. When he is hungry he almost does a sit up to get to the bottle if I don't put it up to his mouth fast enough. He wakes up in the morning soo happy and ready to cuddle! He LOVES to cuddle his mommy! He is such a sweet, cuddly, happy, talkative baby! He has been such a blessing in our lives and makes EVERYDAY wonderful!!