The month of May has been a super busy month for our family. Baby blessing, birthday party, baptism, first tooth and the list goes on and on! I will warn you that there are ALOT of pictures in this post, we tried to get pictures of everything.

My handsome little man all dressed up for Eli's baby blessing in Salt Lake

I think it is so funny how
Toa hangs on to the handles of his car seat! Cracks me up!! Whenever he is in his car seat he will grasp the handle with both hands and HANG on for a "wild" ride!

On the way to Salt Lake. He thought it was so funny when I would wiggle my finger while he held it. He has been doing that
ALOT lately, holding my fingers and just staring at me while he is eating or when we are just hanging out together. I love it so much!

Toa, Miles, Eli, Athena and
Celena at Eli's baby blessing
Toa sitting in a big boy chair

Trying on a hat at the Zoo. He didn't like it and wouldn't wear it, too bad, it looked so dang cute! :)

Daddy and
Toa is at the stage where he is chewing on EVERYTHING!

Super excited at the Zoo. He LOVED the

Family picture at that Zoo
Toa's first taste of ice cream... he wasn't impressed! :)
Alofa and
Toa with
aunty and uncle in
Toa and I with
Alofa's aunty in
Springville! We LOVE her!!

Checking out his tail...
Toa cuddling with the giraffe that we got him at
Hogle Zoo

"How do I look daddy?" "Looking good son!"
Toa trying on daddy's sunglasses at the baptism :)

This was on Mother's day just as we were leaving the hotel on our way back to home sweet home! I had a wonderful Mother's day weekend and enjoyed every single minute with my boys!
Alofa even
surprised me with a Mother's day gift!! A SWEET card with a gift certificate to get a
mani and a
pedi!! I am so thankful for the opportunity that I have to be a mother! It is by far the best thing that has EVER happened to me and I will be forever grateful! I am so thankful for my husband as well!! He is the best daddy and husband in the whole world!

After church on Sunday we decided to get out of the house and take
Toa to the park to play on the swings and check out the grass! He loved it!! He is such a curious and adventurous little man! We are gonna be in trouble when he gets more
mobile, that is for sure!

Checking out the swing!

My handsome boys!! Love them more than words could describe!
Toa was pretty excited that we let him sit on the grass!! Look at that grin!

Such a handsome, happy little man!
Toa LOVES his daddy!! He gets
soo excited when daddy comes home and I catch him just staring at his daddy smiling sometimes when we are just hanging out around the house. I can't blame him! I catch myself staring and smiling at
Alofa too sometimes because he is just so dang WONDERFUL!
Toa LOVES to pull grass!! I was worried that he was going to pull it and start putting it in his mouth, since EVERYTHING goes in his mouth at this time, but he didn't. He just pulled it and let it go. I had a hard time getting his attention away from the grass. He was pretty
Toa's first tooth!! It broke through on May 21st!! I was starting to get worried and wondered if this child would have any teeth so I was
sooo excited to see that my little man was starting to get some chompers in so that he can start getting ready for the foods I am sure he will love, just like his daddy!! He is always playing with his tooth with his tongue now, just trying to get used to it and figure it out! Such a silly boy! He has recently started chewing on the nipple of his bottles as well. He will grip it with his gums/tooth and pull out the nipple as hard as he can. I am pretty nervous that he is going to pull the nipple right off of the bottle one of these days and I am gonna have milk EVERYWHERE!!
Toa isn't much of a
cuddler because he is SO interested with EVERYTHING that is going on around him but when he does cuddle it's wonderful!! My favorite thing lately has been that he will lay in bed with me in the mornings after breakfast and look into my eyes with his hand on my cheek. Melts my heart! Such a tender and special time! I would give ANYTHING to know what he is thinking during those times. Other times he will just push me away when I try to cuddle him or help him get his
binki in the RIGHT way instead of upside down. He gets pretty feisty at times too. Bless his heart! Such an independent child! 7 months of FUN!! It's gets better and better everyday!!