Today we had the opportunity to go to the Dr. and get our ultrasound done. Alofa had taken the day off and so we both went with Toa to the appointment. At first Toa was an ANGEL! He sat in the chair and behaved himself so well! I had drank some juice before we went because I wanted to be sure that the baby was awake and so we could see him moving around and OH BOY was he awake!! It made it very difficult to get the pictures that the ultrasound tech needed so the ultrasound took FOREVER!! Toa wasn't so happy about that and started to get a little fussy. Alofa left the room with Toa and the ultrasound tech continued to work to try to get all of the pictures that he needed. Alofa kept coming back to the room to see if we had found out if it was a boy or a girl and even though we had tried to look a few times the cord was in the way and we couldn't tell. I thought we were going to have to leave without knowing what the sex of the baby was but then the baby flipped and there it was! A BOY!! Alofa was elated!! The tech said that the cord was still in the way a little but that he wouldn't go buy any pink because he was pretty sure it was a boy. It was so fun to see our sweet baby boy on the big screen!

Later that night Alfoa, Toa and I were downstairs playing in our living room. Toa has made it a habit to walk along our sectional and is now starting to get a little bit more brave to the point that he tries to walk really fast, maybe an attempt to run, around the sectional. On this night, he was going back and forth from Alofa and I as we sat at each end of the sectional. When he got to Alofa, he turned around and tried to walk across the room to his momma!! He took two steps and then fell down!! His FIRST STEPS!! I can not believe how fast these little ones grow! It has been such a wonderful experience to see them learn, grow and develop! To watch Toa discover the world through his own eyes! My whole life I have waited and wanted to be a mother, but I never dreamed that it would be as wonderful as it really is! My heart is full of gratitude and I love my Father in Heaven for allowing me the opportunity to be a mommy! I wouldn't change anything in my life for the WORLD! I already have the world! :)