"Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for blessings or benefits we have received. As we cultivate a grateful attitude, we are more likely to be happy and spiritually strong."
“Whatever hour God has blessed you with, take it with grateful hand, nor postpone your joys from year to year, so that in whatever place you have been, you may say that you have lived happily.”"The District of Columbia police auctioned off about 100 unclaimed bicycles Friday. “One dollar,” said an 11-year-old boy as the bidding opened on the first bike. The bidding, however, went much higher. “One dollar,” the boy repeated hopefully each time another bike came up.
The auctioneer, who had been auctioning stolen or lost bikes for 43 years, noticed that the boy’s hopes seemed to soar higher whenever a racer-type bicycle was put up.
Then there was just one racer left. The bidding went to eight dollars. “Sold to that boy over there for nine dollars!” said the auctioneer. He took eight dollars from his own pocket and asked the boy for his dollar. The youngster turned it over in pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters—took his bike, and started to leave. But he went only a few feet. Carefully parking his new possession, he went back, gratefully threw his arms around the auctioneer’s neck, and cried.
When was the last time we felt gratitude as deeply as did this boy? The deeds others perform in our behalf might not be as poignant, but certainly there are kind acts that warrant our expressions of gratitude."
This week I have had a little bit more time than normal to reflect on the blessings that I enjoy as a result of not having to go to school because of Thanksgiving break. This break in itself is a HUGE blessing for which I am VERY, VERY, VERY thankful!!! I just wanted to take a few minutes to express my gratitude for the MANY blessings that I enjoy.
1. I am very thankful for milk. I LOVE milk! My roommates think I'm a milk-a-holic and I think they are right. I drink milk at least three times a day and in the summer time when it is hot I like to put ice in my milk to keep it cold. I AM VERY THANKFUL FOR MILK!!!!
2. I am thankful for music. I LOVE music! I always have the radio on in my house, in my car and in my office when I am not with a client. It really doesn't matter what kind of music it is as long as it isn't that yelling and screaming stuff. I really don't enjoy that but everything else I LOVE!!!
3. I am thankful for my job. I LOVE my job! These kids keep me on my toes, that is for sure! I love interacting with them and seeing them grow, learn and progress. I love to see the growth and the learning that I experience as I work with them. They crack me up and just recently labeled me as the "funny, crazy, happy" counselor. I guess they really don't know me that well! :) Along with my job comes AMAZING co-workers. They are so supportive and understanding! They are willing to step up and take on more than their share to make sure that everything is covered while I attend school and try to further my education! Thank you Matt and Jen! I love you guys!!!
4. I am thankful for my education. Who would have thought that I would have my B.A. and be working on my master's. It has been very challenging at times and I am so thankful for all of the support and strength that I have received as I have strived to reach my goals.
5. I am thankful for my puppy, Oggie. I LOVE Oggie! He is such a happy, silly and CUTE little tiger! He always gets so excited to see me when I come home from work or school and when I leave he runs along the fence chasing my car. He has one ear that sticks up a little bit more than the other and he just makes me smile SO MUCH!!!
6. I am thankful for my family. I LOVE my family! My Grandma and Grandpa Howerton are the BEST!!! I have learned so much from them and they always make me laugh. I have learned to stop and smell the roses and to just enjoy life to the fullest from them! I adore my GRANDPARENTS!!! I love my little sister and my little brother!!! While it is true that they are younger than me, they are more grown up in certain areas of their lives. My brother, Ryan, and sister-in-law Jamie have their heads on straight and not only set goals to work towards but actually reach them. I admire them and all of the accomplishments that they achieved!!! My sister, Savana, and her boyfriend, Ryan, are the sweetest parents to my little nephew, Camerin. They are so kind to me and let me spend as much time with my sweet little nephew as I want. I am so thankful for Camerin and the sweet, happy little angel that he is. He is another little tiger that can make me smile no matter what is going on!!!
7. I am thankful for texting. I am also a text-a-holic! I am texting all of the time. I even taught me boss how to text and text my grandparents when I need to talk to them. I need to be better and not text so much but it is so dang easy and fast... Just what I need when I am so busy with everything that is going on in my life.
8. I am thankful for my roommates, both the official and the not-so-official ones. Melissa, Stephanie, Davina, Shante', Lisa, Dave, and Brent. Lisa, Dave and Brent are the not-so-official roommates because they really don't live with us but they are ALWAYS at our home. I love it!!!! I am thankful for Melissa because she is such a great example to me! She is always reading her scriptures, reading the Ensign or listening to talks on tape. She is very in tune with the spirit. Not only does she hear the spirit speak to her but she follows the promptings that she receives. Mike, her soon-to-be husband is one lucky man!!!! I am thankful for Stephie because she is so dang funny!!! She so sweet and innocent. She is always quoting movies like Muppet Treasure Island, "I've got cabin fever!" "I've got it too!" and is always making people laugh... ALL OF THE TIME!!!! Stephie CRACKS me UP!!!! I am thankful for Davina because she is so motivated and such a hard worker. She goes out with the missionaries at least once a week and is ALWAYS doing service for others. She is BEAUTIFUL and is trying to teach me how to dress more like a girl... it's not working too well! ;) Shante' just moved in this week so I haven't really had time to get to know her too well. One thing that I know about Shante' is that she is ALWAYS smiling!!! She just has a way of making people feel happy and comfortable around her! I am so excited that she is our new roommate!!! I am thankful for Lisa because she is so caring and giving. Lisa is always willing to serve others and drop EVERYTHING that she is doing to make sure that everyone else's needs are met. She is such a good work out partner. Even when she has already worked out she'll come with me to work out again. What a WoMaN!!! I am thankful for Dave because he has been one of my best friends since the start of this year. He is kinda like my friend 'counselor' and is always calling me on my crap. Sometimes we fight, most of the time because he is right and I am STUBBORN, but we always make up. Dave and I have gone on LONG drives where we could talk and share with one another anything and everything that was bothering us. I know that I could turn to Dave with anything and he would be right there for me. Now we come to Brent. I ADORE Brent. We met at the beginning of this semester and have become REALLY close. I spend most of my free time with Brent. He is absolutely amazing. Brent really cares about other people and is not afraid to show it. He is so willing to serve others and to make other people's lives better. Brent is very honest and open with everyone around him. Brent has a very strong testimony and is always willing to share what he believes with everyone around him. He has a great understanding of the gospel and is so incredibly intelligent. Brent is such a great friend and I know that I could trust him with ANYTHING!!!
9. I am thankful for all of the friends and family that I have. I have always been blessed with the most amazing friends and family who have taught me so much! I am the person I am today because of their support and examples. I love you guys!!!!
10. I am thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and for all of the blessings and opportunities to grow that have come from being a member. I am thankful for the chance I had to serve a mission, to meet the people that I met in the mission field that have changed my life FOREVER and for the experiences that I've had. Let me not forget! I am thankful for the gospel, for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and for the role that it plays in my life. I know that I am FAR from perfect and I have much to work on. I am thankful for the chance that I have to learn to grow and to become more like my Savior.
I am thankful for Thanksgiving and for the chance that I have had to reflect on the many blessings that I enjoy. There is much more that I am thankful for, there is no way I could post ALL that I am thankful for!!! This is my feeble attempt to try to express gratitude for some of the blessings that I enjoy~