Saturday, April 12, 2008

Life is GOOD!

These past few weeks have been INTENSE! At work we have been super busy moving into our new facility, it was a lot of work and took a ton of time but were all in now and trying to get things settled down. I found out that I need to test for my CADC in June, I thought I had a lot more time than that but I don't. I had to find a course in case management on line and earn some of my hours that way, it worked out great and I am ever so thankful for the help of my friend and co-worker Jen... She's amazing! Thank you Jen! I got my office pretty well set up the way I like it, there are still a few things I'd like to do but they aren't very high on my priority list right now, it can wait! I'm looking into buying a home, that is super stressful, but I feel really good about it right now in my life. I'll keep you posted on my progress of buying a home. I am looking at one right now and I LOVE it but we'll see what happens! My trainer from the mission and friend Heather introduced me to Craig's List on line and I found a washer and a dryer for $100.00 for both of them!!!! I am so excited about them and they work great! Thank you Heather! I really am very thankful for all of the blessings that I now enjoy! It seems as if everything is working out perfect! Life is so GOOD!


Heather B said...

REALLY? I'm the one who introduced you to it?? Woohoo, I'm so happy, especially because a washer/dryer for that price is an absolute STEAL. to move into a new place and get all settled, I like that too.

Aubrie said...

I am so glad to hear there's so many exciting things happening in your life right now! And I love craigslist! Since we are moving this summer to Minnesota I am cleaning out our house and selling all the stuff we don't need on craigslist.

Oh, my brother is getting married this weekend so I will be in Poky. We should get together!

Michael and Julie said...

ooh! blog buddies! cute pictures.