So as I look back on my blog post history I have noticed that I used to post a ton of posts in every month... Since grad school it has been lucky for me to get one a post a month in, A LITTLE SLOWER THAN USUAL... Some is better than none right? Things have been pretty good and easy going lately, but really BUSY! I am starting to really enjoy school and finding a nice balance between school, work and home. Well, maybe not really a balance because work and school take up most of my time but I have worked out all of the kinks and I feel content with how my life is going currently. I have noticed that I have been getting sick a lot more lately. I think it is because of all of the stress. There was a time in my life when I could say that I NEVER got sick... that is not the case now. I think I got food poisoning last weekend- NO FUN!!! Even though I was really sick I still attempted to teach Sunday School, not such a great idea... I was calling the people the wrong name in class the whole time, OUCH! I felt so bad after class I started crying, silly girl!!! I got a blessing later than night and slept like a baby, feeling GREAT, refreshed and ready to face the obstacles of the week. Thank HEAVEN for the priesthood and the faithful men who hold it!!! I had a great week and got SO MUCH accomplished! Such a great feeling! I had a roommate, Melissa, move out this week. She moved up to Idaho Falls where she will be living after she gets married. It's very different not having her around and we miss her so much! She and I have been sharing a room since November, I know, I know, I own the house yet I shared a room? Yep!!! But now I have my own room, all by myself and I feel so much like a big girl!!! :) It's just me and my puppy Oggie in my bedroom at nights now. I decided to decorate it and have had such a fun job doing it... I decided to post some pictures... but please don't look at the OVERWHELMING pile of laundry... I will get around to doing it someday ;)

So my puppy hasn't had his hair cut since we got him! WOW! It has gotten so long and even got to the point that he couldn't see, poor puppy! He kept running into my bed frame and getting snow and all kinds of stuff matted into his fur! Here is a picture

So I got some scissors and some clippers in an attempt to try to save some money and cut his hair myself. Didn't work. In fact it made things worse. I decided to call a groomer and have him cut professionally. When I took him in she said that she wasn't sure what had happened to his fur but she would try to fix it... I didn't say a word and just played dumb, I didn't want her to KNOW that I am an idiot at times! ;) He looks so cute, once again, and loves running around the house with his VERY ANNOYING squeaky toys... Why did I buy them for him??? And why don't I take them away for good??? I don't know, I don't know!
Last item of business, but the most important... my sweet family! It isn't too often that all of us siblings get together but this Christmas we had a great time. Here are some pictures

I love my nephew more than words can express!!! He is so sweet and cuddly with me! He falls asleep in my arms ALL of the time, which is counted as a miracle in itself considering that he is a super hyper-active little man! He is the cutest little busy body! My sister gets mad at me when I put him to sleep before 9:00 p.m. because then he will wake up in the middle of the night and SHE'S the one that has to wake up and take care of him! Isn't that what aunts are supposed to do? Spoil them ROTTEN and send him home??? I am so good at that! ;)

Well, it's Saturday and once again I have a COLD!!! Seriously??? Oh dear! I can't wait for grad school to be done and my stress levels to go WAY down! It's kind of funny because I continue to say that yet things seem to keep on keeping on... just as busy as ever! I guess that is the challenge, taking time to be happy in the here and now! I am so grateful for all of the AMAZING blessings and angels my Father in Heaven has placed in my path to assist me on my way! There is no way I could do it without ALL OF THEM!