Love is a promise that is made with heart, a trust, a respect that is there from the start. A source of the greatest joy life can impart~ Love is a WONDERFUL thing!!!
Our little family at the end of a wonderful first birthday party!
Toa is 10 months. I have no idea where the time has gone. I love him to death! He makes me smile EVERYDAY, multiple times a day! He has 4 teeth, two top and two bottom and the sweetest smile that I ever did see. He shakes his head "no" when anyone says "no-no" to him or when he is full and doesn't want any more food. I really think he knows what it means. He calls me mama sometimes and it just melts my heart! He isn't much of a cuddler so when he lets me love on him I take the chance. He just recently started doing the "motor boat" thing with his tongue when I try to kiss him, guess he doesn't want momma kissing on him so much! :) He just started crawling and is now keeping Alofa and I on our toes! When he is going to get something that he knows he shouldn't have and I go after him he tries to crawl faster to get away from me, silly little man! Just a few nights ago he crawled up the stairs and now this is part of our nightly ritual, climbing the stairs to bed, eating one last bottle while he plays with my lips as I cuddle him and hum to him and then he drifts off to dreamland. I hold him for a while before I put him in his crib and thank Heavenly Father that I get to be his mommy.
I worry at times that my house isn't clean enough or that I am not doing everything that a wife and a mother should be doing. I am so tired from working full time and being pregnant. The quote on the top of this post helps me not to feel so guilty, knowing that the time that I do get to spend with Toa, I TRY to cherish and treasure! I know that I can do better and I will work at that, he is growing to fast not to. Alofa is so kind and patient. He is the best father and husband that I could ever ask for. He can get Toa to laugh harder than I have ever seen him laugh, Toa ADORES his daddy!!
I love my sweet boys more than I could ever express. They are my heart and soul! I am so thankful for the blessings that I enjoy! I am thankful for the amazing man that I call my husband and is the father of our children. I am thankful that Heavenly Father has trusted us with Toa and is sending another sweet spirit to our home. Life is SO GOOD!
We sat right by where all of the clowns and animals came out onto the stage and he was memorised!! It was so fun to watch him try to figure out what in the world was going on!
Momma and her baby boy waiting for the show to begin!