He thought is was ALOT more fun to chew on the eggs than to put them in the dye and wait for them to turn colors :) He was pretty intrigued by the eggs
Toa trying to help daddy color Easter eggs. I love my boys so much and am so thankful that we are a FOREVER FAMILY!
Toa's first Easter egg!
Toa's egg, Mommy's egg and Daddy's egg
Even after his egg was all decorated he STILL wanted to chew on it. I shouldn't have been surprised though, EVERYTHING goes in this child's mouth now.
He KNEW exactly which egg was his!! Such a smart little boy ;)
Toa with is VERY first batch of colored Easter eggs!! Happy Easter Toa!
Proud daddy and Toa showing off their eggs!
Momma and her sweet baby boy!!
The Easter bunny sure was good to Toa!! I guess he deserved it because he has been such a GOOD baby boy!! It was so fun to see Toa checking out everything that he got! There is such a very special spirit about having a child during these sacred holidays. I feel so blessed and very thankful!
I love this picture so very much!! Toa's sweet smile is just priceless and if you look close you can see on the frame in the background the word, "Happiness" That is what the Plan of Salvation, the Plan of Happiness, is all about. I am so thankful for the role that our Savior completed in that Plan of Happiness in order for us to know what true HAPPINESS is!
Such a HANDSOME little man!!
Cuddling with his new found friend, the football Easter bunny! Toa, Mommy and Daddy LOVE you so much and hope you had a very happy Easter!
After all of our Easter morning fun, we got ready and headed to church where the spirit was strong and we were able to renew our covenants with our Father in Heaven as well as reflect on the Atonement of Jesus Christ and what that means for each of us.
"It is the celestial glory that we seek. It is in the presence of God that we desire to dwell. It is a FOREVER FAMILY in which we want membership.
"Of Him who delivered each of us from endless death, I testify He is a teacher of truth—but He is more than a teacher. He is the exemplar of the perfect life—but He is more than an exemplar. He is the great physician—but He is more than a physician. He is the literal Savior of the world, the Son of God, the Prince of Peace, the Holy One of Israel, even the risen Lord, who declared, “I am the first and the last; I am he who liveth, I am he who was slain; I am your advocate with the Father” (D&C 110:4).
“Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives: ‘I know that my Redeemer lives!’"
~Thomas S. Monson This Easter was a wonderful and glorious first Easter for our sweet baby boy and our family. How wonderful it was to reflect on the Atonement of our Savior and remember the amazing blessings that it means for each of us and our families. I am so thankful for my Savior and his willingness to sacrifice all so that I might be able to have a FOREVER FAMILY. I am thankful that I am able to humble myself and repent for I know that I am far from perfect. I love my Savior and hope to become more like him as each day passes. While it is SO fun to color Easter eggs, have Easter egg hunts and see what the Easter bunny brings, I hope that I might be able to always remember the true meaning behind Easter and celebrate it appropriately with my FOREVER Family as well as better understand the importance of the Atonement and Resurrection of our Savior and communicate that effectively to my son in the future!