Saturday, July 26, 2008

Memory Lane

I have seen this on a number of my friends' blogs! I finally decided to do it. Love ya!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Unknown said...

having you in YW with us growing up was one of the best experiences -- you are seriously one of the funniest, sweetest, nicest people I've ever met; I always wished I could be a little more like you! Anyways, one memory I have pictures of is when we went up to the temple as laurels and took pics. Just for fun, I guess . . .

brandya said...

I have always admired you and thought the world of you! You have always been the happiest, most spiritual, most absolutely beautiful person I know! I have always envied your relationship with the Lord and have always wanted to be more like you in everyway. I remember going to Justin's home with you so I could ask him to a dance. You and Aaron encouraged me. :) But I remember most Seminary and your hugs!! I can't wait to get a hug again from you!! I love ya girl!!

Heather B said...

Oh, too many to choose from, but I have some great memories of us teaching Carlitos, also, I STILL think of you when I see (or buy) the smiley fruit snacks from walmart. :)

Jared and Lisa said...

I remember when I first met you in the mall at that candle store. You kept telling me that Jared Guardipee had a crush on me!....I thought you were so sweet and funny.I also remember the second time I saw you when I was driving somwhere and I think you and Jared were in the backseat and I started driving before you got all the way in the car....ya I broke your flip flop and you guys were laughing the whole way. I had no idea! Finally when you told me I was so embarassed!

Burke family said...

Well, first I have to say you are quite the matchmaker for Jared! :) He owes you! I was just thinking the other day about the little road trip you and I took to spend the 24th with your family. Do you remember that? We visited an old friend of yours and then went to the celebration in the park. I appreciated that you trusted me enough to share your family with me. Mostly, I have so many memories of driving in your awesome pink car listening to sweet music and having you relate rap music to the gospel. You are the best Shan!

Barry and Heather Hill said...

WOW!! I don't even know where to begin with memories of you! You have always been such a great example to me and someone I really look up to! I think my furthest back memory of you is us walking to the bus stop together! That was a long time ago! We laughed alot! LOVE YA LOTS!

Bunderson Family said...

Not any specific memories, but when I think of you, I always think of someone who cares so much about others...especially have always been the first to jump up and help me out even when you have a million things on your plate already....your the best

Anonymous said...

I remember Dancing to NKOTB And you Knocking me out with your cast!

teresa said...

I've been meaning to do this for a while now! I remember taking economics with you and you were so cute and outgoing. My fondest memory is of you singing church hymns on the way to class! You're adorable!

Anna McDaniel said...

Hello Shani girl!!
I have so many fun memories it's going to be hard to sort some out, but I'll give it a whack!! I remeber all those NEAR DEATH experiences in your car on the way to FHE in Blackfoot!! I seriously dont think I have ever laughed that hard!! I also remember you teaching all of us how to play "companionship" tag! That was so fun, and now I've taught my boys how to play that game! Love you Shan, you are one in a million!!!

Matt and Kelli said...

The memory that comes to mind for me is from when we were working as direct care staff and worked a graveyard together. You would ask me for advice with the guys and I would complain about the difficulty of the counseling program. Those were the days weren't they?