Sunday, August 15, 2010

The NESTING has begun

Nesting has officially begun!! All I care about, think about and want to do is get EVERYTHING ready for this sweet little spirit to come into our home. Alofa thinks I have really gone crazy. There will be times at night where I CAN NOT sleep for the LIFE of me because I have to get "something" done in order to make sure everything is ready for this sweet baby to come. I try to explain it to Alofa, that I really can't help it, but he still thinks I am crazy :) That's alright with me. He'll be so happy when everything is ready for our sweet baby when he gets here!
I was looking at car seat/stroller combos with one of my good friends, Jen, and we found this monkey one. I fell in LOVE and had to have! So here it is!! Isn't it CUTE?!?!? I am sure baby boy Laulu will LOVE it just as much as his momma does :)
I got a REALLY good deal on a baby bedroom set a few months back. It included this dresser, a changing table and the crib. I have been asking Alofa to put it together for me for the past month or so. He has thought that I was crazy, as I mentioned before, and kept telling me that we had plenty of time to get it done and it would only take him a couple of minutes. Friday he came home from work and got the changing table and dresser box out of the closet with out saying a word to me and started putting it together. I was sooooo dang happy!! Above is the finished dresser product with the "jungle" decorations for our little tiger. Didn't Alofa do such a GREAT job?!?!
Here is the proud and happy daddy with the finished changing table product! It looks wonderful!!
Remember how I mentioned earlier that Alofa said, "it will only take me a couple of minutes to put all of this together"? Well here is a picture of him STILL working on the dresser 3 HOURS later!! :) I was laughing my face off the whole time too!! He is sooo dang funny!! He kept saying, "YES!! I am sooo freaken smart!! Why am I not going back to school" after he would get a piece together. I love my sweet Alofa! He makes me smile and laugh every single day!!
When I would try to help him he would say, "you just sit there and relax, let daddy do his job" Later when I started folding blankets and stuff to put under the changing table when it was done he would say, "daddy's job is done, the rest is mommy's job" I LOVED hearing those words out of his mouth, "mommy" it was a really tender and special moment for me and of course I got misty. What a blessing and a privilege, to be a mommy!!
I love watching Alofa grow into the "daddy" role!! He had to make sure EVERYTHING was perfect as he put the baby furniture together. I am soo thankful for experiences like this. It is amazing to me how having a baby at the right time, with the right person can make everything in life seem so perfect and wonderful. Alofa is going to be such a amazing daddy! I am so blessed and thankful that I get to be the mommy to his babies and that we get to grow our eternal family here on earth. The principle of eternal families and the plan of salvation is beginning to take on some many more meanings and dimensions to it. I am so thankful for the blessings that I enjoy from the hand of my Heavenly Father. I hope that I can be the mommy he wants me to be!


Byrd Family said...

I have no doubt you'll be the mother Heavenly Father knows you can be. And don't worry you just keep on nesting. Not everything in life has to make sense, and it feels good to do "something" do it!

Harris said...

So fun Shan! Your little guy is so lucky to have a mom and dad like you two :) I feel like I have a million things that I want to get done too... the only problem is that they don't seem to be getting done fast enough!!! Good luck and we are so super excited to meet this little guy :)

Katie Ladwig said...

It all looks great! Landon is the same as Alofa. He always tells me things will only take him a few minutes. I have learned to at least double whatever time he has given me. It is a pretty accurate reading of when projects will be completed. We are so excited for you two. Having babies is the best!

Darci and Ryan said...

Ha ha....I hate to tell ya, but it will probably only get worse, you will only keep thinking of things to get done. It will feel great to have it done when he arrives though! You will be a great mom!

Heather B said...

Oh I totally know what you're talking about, when your honey becomes a "daddy" and you become a "mommy"-- and it doesn't have to be when the baby gets here. You guys are going to be the best parents. Can't wait to see that gorgeous baby boy!

Burke family said...

Oh Shan, That makes me get so excited for you! I can't wait till you have your sweet little guy in your arms. You are going to be the best mommy and he is sure lucky to come to such a special family!

timandcindyhowe said...

Looks like everything is coming together...just remember, if you forget something, the baby stores are still open after your little angel comes :) So excited for you. You're getting so close. Happy belated anniversary! Love ya!