To top off our Christmas Eve last night, we went and got some ice cream then drove around town looking at Christmas lights, listening to Christmas music. It was MAGICAL!! We stopped at my grandparents home and wished them a very MERRY CHRISTMAS as well as letting them know how much we love them! Alofaaga said they had the best Christmas lights on their home in town. They were so happy to hear that!!! We then came home and watched a Christmas Story ( one of my personal FAVORITES) Alofaaga had never seen it and was skeptical at first but he then fell in love with it just as I have and enjoyed it with me!!
After we woke up this morning and opened presents we went to my mom's house to be with my siblings and open presents with them. I got some AMAZING body wash and lotion, the movie P.S. I Love You, and some lip gloss!! Love it!! (Thank you Jamie!!) and Alofaaga got a very nice tool box to keep all of the new tools that Santa brought him! He loved it!! (Thank you Savana!!!) I didn't take any pictures because I forgot my camera :( but my mom and sister-in-law took a lot of pictures so I will have to get them from them and post them later. Cam (my sweet little nephew) was so dang cute and excited!! He was running around everywhere trying to help everyone open their presents. He is such a big helper!! It made a GREAT Christmas just that much to see him so excited and happy!!!
After my mom's house we came home and I took a nap :) I was super tired. I woke up to Alofaaga cooking one of his favorite meals, Lamb and Potatoes in coconut milk. Look how proud he is of himself with all of his food! He makes me soo happy!
Christmas Morning!! So exciting!!

It was sooo much fun watching Alofaaga opening Christmas presents this year!! He got soo excited!! This year he was super good and Santa brought him ALOT of tools!! He loved them soo much!

The perfect end to the perfect Christmas... Going to my mom's home and eating Christmas dinner with my family. Alofaaga has already eaten his lamb with potatoes and coconut milk but he will be able to stuff some more good stuff in his tummy, I am sure. Our little puppy, Oggie has torn apart all of the toys that Santa left him as well. I am sure he enjoyed the 20 mins or so that he got to play with them!! He gets pretty excited on Christmas day, just like he should!! Love that little puppy!!! Alofaaga is now in the front room playing with his power tools (his drill to be exact). I am not sure what he is trying to drill so I better go make sure everything is okay!!! :)
Alofaaga says that this was "the BEST Christmas EVER!!" I have to agree with him. We look forward to the New Year as well as preparations for another "BEST Christmas EVER!" next year!!!