Thursday, April 30, 2009


The first year of my program has FINALLY come to an end... YAY!!! I honestly questioned whether or not I would be able to make it... and I did but just barely :) I am sooooo thankful for the break that is about to start and I plan on doing some FUN things this summer. Just to make sure that I accomplish at least half of the things that I want to do I am going to make a list... Kind of funny, I was not a list person at the start of the program, now I am :) just one of the many things that have changed in my life!!!
1. go to LAGOON at least once!!!
2. go to Yellowstone and see a play at the Playmill!!!
3. play softball (I'm already on a team :))
4. work in my yard so it looks GREAT (with Trugreen's help of course)
5. go to Las Vegas for the FIRST time in my life!!!
6. go fishing (it's been a while)
7. read the Book of Mormon AT LEAST two times
8. cook AT LEAST three homemade meals every week (now that I will have more time)
9. spend MUCH more time with my SWEET nephew
10. go camping, in a tent with a fire, marshmallows and starbursts
11. have MANY picnics and bbqs with my co-workers, friends and family
12. get better at the drums on rockband
I really plan on doing ALL of the things on my list!!! I wanted to put "buy a motorcycle" on there but when I bought my new car I promised my grandma that I wouldn't do that this summer... but that will be on the next summer's list FOR SURE!!!
With all that has happened this semester I have come to learn some very important and valuable lessons. One of those lessons is that life is WAY too short not to have fun. As a result of learning this lesson I plan on LIVING it up from now on until the rest of FOREVER! Life really is so good, challenging at times but still good nonetheless! I have learned not to stress the small stuff. It is what it is :) I am so grateful for the experiences and growth that I have had this year. I look forward to this summer and next year along with all of the opportunities for growth and learning that will follow!!!!


Lisa Robinson said...

Sounds like a wonderful list!! good luck! I have no doubt you can do all of them!! Your amazing!

Bunderson Family said...

I agree with Lisa, great list!!! I hope that we can be apart of some of those things on there!!!

Burke family said...

Great list! Sounds like you will have a fun and productive summer!

Heather B said...

Congrats! Pleeeeeeeease let me know when you are coming to Vegas. I know about some super amazing hotel rates too.

Melissa said...

Shanny poo!! I Love you very much!! :) You're gonna rock it freaking up with all your sweet plans! :) Congrats on making it through another semester...I know you'll make it through the rest, no doubt!! :) Love yer freaking guts!! :)