Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 2012

Look at these faces!! How can you not ADORE them!! Toa is starting to actually LIKE his little brother (probably because he isn't crying 24/7 now) :) The other morning, when I was getting ready for my first day back to work after having 2 whole months off with my boys I was feeding Siaosi and Toa walked into the room. I said, " Toa, say hi to your brother" and in the sweetest voice he says, "hi broder" SOOOO CUTE!! It completely melted my heart!! I can't believe how big my boys are getting and how fast they are growing!! I am so in love with them!!
Love my handsome little men!!! (Toa looks grumpy because he is SICK of taking pictures all of the time!! hahahahahaha!!)
Siaosi at tummy time when he was 2 months old
What a handsome little man!!
Nana Howerton and Siaosi
Just Chilling at 9 weeks old my little man is GROWING UP TOO FAST!! :)
He LOVES to suck on his fists!!
I LOVE this picture because you can see his sweet little birthmark on his cheek :)
Just watching daddy and Toa put together the dresser :)
This is Siaosi at 2 months old
12 lbs 4 oz; 23 inches long
and this is Toa at 2 months old :)
12 lbs 8 oz; 24 inches long
I think both of my boys look JUST like each other at this age!! When Siaosi was born he looked A LOT different than Toa but now that he is growing up a little, they look SO ALIKE!!
Siaosi at 2 months old!! We are FINALLY starting to figure out his tummy problems which has made Siaosi such a HAPPIER baby boy which in turns makes a even HAPPIER momma!! What finally started working was the Alimentum formula (SUPER EXPENSIVE BUT SO WORTH IT) the probiotic and the acid reflux medicine. I am SO THANKFUL to Dr. Cole for listening to me, working with me and helping me so much to help my baby! Such a GREAT Dr!! Siaosi's little personality is starting to shine through since he isn't crying 24/7 like before. He LOVES to lay flat on the floor. If he starts getting a little fussy I can just lay him on the floor and he is happy again. He LOVES to suck on his fists so much so that I stopped putting mittens on him since they were ALWAYS soaked and freezing his sweet little hands. He is SO STRONG!! He tries sitting up when I am holding him and getting ready to feed him in order to get to the bottle faster. He will also try to put his fists in his mouth when I am trying to feed him so sometimes it is really hard to get the bottle in his mouth which then just makes him even more mad because he is so hungry and not getting fed fast enough. He loves to be held by the tummy facing out. I think it is because he likes to be able to see what is going on. He LOVES to watch Toa run around the front room!! I love to watch Siaosi's eyes following Toa everywhere, I can already tell they are going to be the best of friends. He has started sleeping 8-10 hours at night, which I am sooo thankful for!! I have been one tired momma and going back to work this week has not helped that matter. Last night Siaosi slept ALL night and it was Toa who kept waking up (he is teething, has 4 of his back molar teeth coming in, bless his heart). When I got Siaosi out of the bassinet this morning he had the BIGGEST smile for me!! Made my WHOLE day at 6am!! :) I love Siaosi's cry now (that sounds mean but it is SOOO cute!!) His cry now sounds kind of like he is giggling where before when his tummy was hurting it sounded like he was screaming his lungs out (I didn't love that nor do I miss it at ALL!!) Siaosi drools like CRAZY, which I am not too thrilled about since his formula smells horrid!! Now that Siaosi's tummy isn't hurting him now, he really is a chill & happy baby!! I am so thankful we made it through those first few weeks, it was really very challenging I hated seeing my baby miserable!!
This is Toa trying to get into the kitchen to play in Oggie's dogie bowls and to throw stuff out the dogie door. He looks like a caged animal, doesn't he!! I CAN NOT even begin to tell you how much STUFF I find outside of the dogie door!! The other day I found 2 binkis, spoons, toys, and a pen. Bless his heart!! He keeps me busy and LAUGHING!! I honestly laugh every single day at him!! He makes my heart melt. He loves to just sit and talk to himself as well as laugh at the same time. He is fascinated with turning the lights on and off, on and off, on and off. There is one light switch that he can reach from the floor and he will stand there entertaining himself for the longest time, it keeps him busy I guess :) He loves to play with Oggie, even though I have to remind him to be soft and gentle A LOT! Poor puppy!! He loves the attention he gets from Toa though!! Toa is always putting things in Oggie's water bowl, the other day I found 2 potatoes in it. I just laughed :) I have come to realize that I am not so good at chasing Toa while holding Siaosi (Toa has realised this as well and takes FULL advantage of it!!) He often times runs away from me, squealing and laughing his head off!! I love him so much!! He is going to be 18 months old in a week and a half and I CAN NOT believe how fast time flies!!
Toa LOVES boxes!! LOVES them and could entertain himself with them for hours!! With two boys in the house and with my obsession and need to make sure they have PLENTY of clothes, it became necessary to get another dresser for all of their clothes. Alofa was such a good daddy and let Toa "help" him put it together!! :) It was really TOO CUTE!!
What a good helper!! We ended up waiting till Toa was asleep to finish the project!!
I have LOVED and CHERISHED the time I got to stay home with my sweet boys!! I am not going to lie, there were days that I would count down the hours till Alofa came home so that I could get a little break and he could help me BUT most of the time I was in heaven!! I have never felt so blessed in my whole life as I did when I was holding both of my boys on my lap a the same time. My heart just overflowed with love and gratitude and still does. I have had a very hard time going back to work this week. I can't even tell you the tears that I have shed and the times that Alofa would just hold me and let me cry. He knows that I have had a hard time with it and that the desire of my heart is to be a stay at home mom. However this is not in the cards for our sweet family at this time, I understand that and accept that. I think about my boys all day and call my baby sitter MULTIPLE times a day to check on them. I love them, very much and want the very best for them! I want to be the very best mother I can be for my boys and seek guidance and inspiration on a daily basis! What a wonderful blessing it is to be a mother!! I LOVE being a mother so much! :)

1 comment:

The Bubblegum Chronicles said...

What darling boys you have! I can just feel the Love shine thru your blog! :)