The next morning we got up and got ready for our EXCITING DAY! Here Brooke and Kate are getting ready to break some hearts...
We went to the Hogle Zoo and I loved it! I haven't been there in SO LONG! It was so much fun!
Look... The girl elephant is stealing the water out of the boy elepahant's mouth! I thought that was so funny!
Have you ever been to an arena football game? This was my fist one and it was SO MUCH FUN! I will for sure go to another one! We went to the Utah Blaze game and had the best time ever!
The Blaze lost! :( It was tied and the other team kicked a feild goal with 1.2 seconds left. They won by 3 points.
Brooke and I got home from the Blaze game and we were BEAT! I fell right to sleep! The next morning I got up to get ready and go visit some of my companions from the mission. When I went out to my car I noticed a black trash bag over my passanger window. At 1st I thought that it had just blown there from the wind but when I got closer I saw glass EVERYWHERE! My window had been broken out and someone had stolen my IPOD. I was pretty disappointed and upset. The hotel workers were worried that it was going to rain so they put some plastic on my window to protect my car. Whoever broke into my car went through my jockey box but didn't find anything. My wallet was on the back seat, they didn't see that because it was covered by my coat. I know I shouldn't be too upset because it could have been way WORSE if they had seen my wallet, but I was still pretty mad. The hotel workers were so sweet! They vaccumed out all of the glass... It was EVERYWHERE and put some clear plastic wrap on it till I made it to the glass repair shop. It blew off when I got on the freeway and it scared me almost half to death! I got my window fixed but it's not tinted yet... It looks kinda scary but I'll get it fixed soon enough. It wasn't cheap to fix either, but it's all good. The only thing that I am frustrated with now would be that they messed something up when they took my door covering off, my handle won't go down and the door wont stay shut unless I SLAM IT HARD! Oh my! Bless my HEART! I'm still pretty mad!
Trisha, a companion from the mission, and her son Eli came to pick me up while I was waiting for my car window to get fixed. We went to ColdStone's and I got some chocolate ice cream... Chocolate fixes EVERYTHING! It was so good to see her and her son was so dang cute! He is a very happy boy with the cutest personality! Just like his mommy!
I got to visit another companions from the mission and good friend, Lindsay and her sweet son, Porter! It was so good to see them and he got her eyes! How adorable! He was a little busy body!
The hotel felt so bad about what had happened to my car that they bought us Jazz ticket... SAWEET! The tickets said section 21 row 2 seats 4-6 which was 2 rows from the court... WOW! I was so excited! When we went down to get our seats one of the guys who was trying to help us said that there must have been a misprint on our tickets because there was no row 2 in section 21 so they took us into the tunnels where the locker rooms are and made us wait till they figured out where we were supposed to be. Turns out that our seats were in section 109 row 19! Yep! It was really 2 rows from the very TOP! Wow! Could my luck possible get any better? At least we got free Jazz tickets, Right?
The Jazz won and it really was a GREAT game!
Well there ya have it! A vacation to remember! I guess ya gotta take the good with the bad! Overall I had a great time with a few minor set backs!