Saturday, February 26, 2011

2010 Cutest Baby Contest

We put Toa in a "cutest baby born in 2010" contest held by the Idaho State Journal. It was really A LOT of fun! We submitted this pictureand then got EVERYONE that we could find to vote for him. There were 219 ADORABLE babies in the contest and A LOT of steep competition. The competition lasted for one week and there were a few babies giving Toa a run for his money BUT the night that the contest ended Toa pulled ahead by 22 votes and WON!! I hardly EVER stay up past 10 p.m. but on this night I stayed up till midnight to see if Toa had won! I was sooo excited and happy!

We were told when we entered the contest that the winner would receive a GIFT BASKET. So when we showed up at the Idaho State Journal and saw ALL of the gifts that Toa had won we were SHOCKED! Here is a picture of Toa with his winnings! Too cute!

This picture of our little family went into the newspaper on the 2nd of February 2011 as a special "thank you" to Bingham Memorial Hospital for donating the gifts

Toa at home with all of his gifts

Getting EXCITED to open them and see what he had won!

Can you BELIEVE everything that he won!! I was AMAZED as we helped Toa open his gifts and saw Toa's eyes start to SPARKLE with EXCITEMENT as he saw all the books, toys and clothes that just kept coming out of those bags!
The after math of opening ALL of those gifts!! Toa LOVED playing in the ribbons and paper that came from the bags!
This is what was published in the Idaho State Journal on the 30th of January, 2011

and then the picture published in the paper on the 2nd of February, 2011

What a wonderful experience and memory that we will cherish FOR EVER!! We love our little Toa-Tot and are so thankful to all of the friends and family who voted for Toa (he couldn't have done it without you ALL), Idaho State Journal and Bingham Memorial Hospital for providing such a great opportunity and the AMAZING gifts that were provided for the cutest baby born in 2010
TOA!! :)

1 comment:

timandcindyhowe said...

So sweet. A well deserved win!