Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Bath Time Toy

Toa LOVES bath time!! He kicks and splashes throughout the WHOLE bath!! He tries to catch the bubbles with his little hands and takes a DEEP breath in every time I pour water over his little time then gives mommy and daddy a big toothless smile. Alofa and I always give Toa a bath together, it's kinda like a special family time that we both enjoy so much because Toa is so fun in the bath tub. Just recently Alofa and I decided that Toa was starting to outgrow the bath tub that we had been using since he was born so we decided to get him a new, fun bath tub. It is an inflatable duck that quacks when we squeeze his beak. Toa LOVES it!! Gives him more room to kick and splash around. He laughs every time it quacks at him. I haven't gotten any pictures of him taking a bath in it yet, I am kind of nervous to do that for fear of dropping the camera in the water, Toa grabbing it and pulling it in the water or getting it splashed on. Here are some picture of Toa checking out his new ducky when we first filled it up with air...

"What's that mom?"

"Well, Little Toa, It's a little patch that tells us if the water is too hot, too cold or just right so we don't burn you cute little bum." :)

I couldn't even get him to look up for a second to take a picture because he was so intrigued with his awesome bath tub ducky. Such a sweet, cute little man!! LOVE HIM!!

1 comment:

Shannon Mariner said...

Oh, I love the duck bath tub! We need something for Jaden, his tub is getting a bit small for him too. SO cute! Mister Toa is just a DOLL! Awww, xoxo!