Saturday, July 7, 2007

Let's get started!!

So... I finally decided to create a blog for myself. The reason? I am so busy that I am not able to keep in contact with some of the people I wish I could as often as I would like. I thought that this would help since I am able to keep myself somewhat updated with some of the people I know who already have blogs and I thought I would follow their shinning examples, so... here I go. Just a little update on what is going on in my life thus far. I am still going to ISU and working on getting my bachelor's degree in sociology as well as earning my CADC so that I will be a drug and alcohol counselor when I am done. I should be finished in December if all goes as planned. I have also been strongly considering continuing my education and getting my master's degree in counseling. I think I have already made up my mind, and I think I am going to do it!! Ahhhh! I makes me just a little nervous just thinking about it, but hey, I am sure I'll be okay and make it through just fine. I plan on applying to the master's of counseling program here at ISU this coming March and actually starting the program in the fall of '08. I will for sure keep y'all posted. I have been working at MK Place (an adolescent rehab center) as direct care staff now for almost two years and started my internship back in November of 2006. I LOVE what I do. It has been somewhat difficult having to take on two roles with the kids that I work with, direct care staff and an intern, but for the most part it has been a great experience. It seems as if I am always at MK Place, either working or doing intern stuff and it is way too easy for me to become completely consumed in what I do, so I am going to try to monitor this and keep my posting as interesting as possible for all of those who have a desire to read it.
Today I cut my hair off, yep I had about 4 inches taken off. It looks great in my opinion, my cousin-in-law, Lisa, did a great job as she always does. I'll have to post some pictures of before and after when I get a chance. I think you will all agree.
The Fourth of July just passed, I am so proud to be an American!!! The whole week was a great one. It all started off on Sunday at church, just remembering all of the blessings that have come from living in the land of the free. Later that night I was able to go on a motorcycle ride with one of my good friends. We just drove all around Pocatello and even went a little ways into the mountains. It was a beautiful night and I loved every minute of it. When I was younger I had a dirt bike and we would go riding in the mountains, but here recently I have really been thinking about getting myself a road bike. I guess we'll see if I have enough courage to really get one. Monday I went boating with a bunch of my friends, SO MUCH FUN! I had a really great time, but for some reason I seemed to be some what accident prone, I fell off the boat three times, one of the times hitting my leg on the side of the boat leaving a wicked bruise. I will have to take a picture of that as well and post it later on. Tuesday I went fishing with some of my friends and brother, we didn't catch anything. It was kind of frustrating because all of these HUGE fish were jumping all along the river right in front of us yet they failed to bite our lines. Oh well, it still was a great time! Wednesday I had to work. It really wasn't too bad. We had a bbq with the 8 kids that we have in residential treatment, Then we had a big ole water fight, it really wasn't fair! All 8 of them ganged up on me and needless to say I felt somewhat helpless. I tried to play dead, sometimes that works and encourages others to have mercy, but not with these kids, they just took even more advantage of the situation, there was no way out! I just had to endure to the end! And so I did, I even lived to tell about it, thank goodness!! Later we went up to fairgrounds to shoot off fireworks that we bought as well as watch "The Biggest Show in Idaho". It really was a great night.
Well, this entry ended up being longer that I intended for it to be... hope you all enjoyed! Until next time-keep it real!

1 comment:

Heather B said...

YEAH!! I am sooo glad you have a blog, it really is the best way to stay in touch. It will become sort of a journal/record for you too, so feel free to write about anything that's on your mind. Also, I am "tagging" you, so answer the questions on my blog from friday, June 29th. Love ya!!